Wednesday, November 3, 2010


When I'm feeling down. the remaining child in me likes to play with or purchase toys. Imagine if you can buy an item which will not only bring pleasure to a child here but will help children globally get a better chance at education. This doubles the pleasure of the gift giving experience. You can shop. Wrap a gift or stuff a stocking. Then you know that a portion of your purchase will go to Save the Children's and UNICEF's programs for education. The shopping at IKEA begins November 1 and ends December 24. This year between December 18 and the 24, IKEA will also donate a portion of a kid's meal to the organizations. So you can grab that other comfort reward- eating out- share a meal with a youngster and help others at the same time.
This program started in 2003 has  raised over 30,000,000 dollars for the two organizations and benefitted 8 million children. So instead of trick or treat we can treat and train.

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