Wednesday, May 11, 2011


As we watch the nightly news and see our citizens along the mighty Mississippi and its tributaries filling sandbags, escaping in small boats, and hoping that at least some part of their lives will be spared from flooding, it is hard to transport ourselves to another continent- Africa. In KENYA, there is a severe drought. Very little water is available. This must often be carried by women for seven miles or more. School children receive one meal which according to the World Vision video many of them save to carry back to their families to share. This is just one part of the world where hunger leads to malnutrition, lessens immunity to disease, and causes death. It is important that organizations like the World Food Program provide relief. It is also important that new technology such as using GPS to document locations of sources of water, improving farming methods, creating sustainable animal food sources, and limiting  the amount of trees harvested while planting new ones be implemented. In our global village we must recognize the impact that floods and drought have on us and do what we can to prevent disasters and show compassion in the wake of these events.